Innovative blending for better health & better sleep

Decaf coffee… Sacrilege!!!  

But what if you genuinely enjoy a nice cup of espresso after dinner? Or crave a comforting cup of coffee in the late afternoon? Maybe you're among the millions of people now working from home, keeping the coffee pot in rotation for hours. Or perhaps, as time goes by, your body doesn't handle caffeine as well as it once did.

If you fall into any of those categories and have found yourself becoming a bit more sensitive to the effects of caffeine, we totally get it. In our household, we tend to check ALL those boxes on a regular basis. But let’s be real, for the most part, decaf pretty much sucks! So, what do you do? Well, if you're like us and coffee is a big part of your life, you just go for it and deal with whatever negative effects the caffeine might have. Is it the best choice? No, probably not. But it's the daily struggle for those of us who truly love our coffee and measure our intake not by the cup, but by the pot.

That is what inspired us at FSC to start experimenting with half caff blends. A half caff is just that: a regular, full-flavored coffee bean blended with a decaffeinated one. It's a 50/50 mix that results in a flavorful, full bodied cup of coffee with a much lower caffeine content. At FSC, we've taken our beautiful Colombian beans, typically roasted to a French roast level, and paired them with decaffeinated Colombian beans, which share similar flavor profiles. The result? FSC Half Caff. It's still roasted to French roast levels, delivering that same beautiful, dark, full-bodied coffee you’ve come to love... but with half the caffeine! And being that our regular Colombian French roast is already one of our lowest caffeinated coffees, it’s the perfect choice for this blend.

So for those late day coffees, or maybe even just pot number two (or three) in the morning, give the FSC Half Caff a try. And as always, if you enjoy it… please help us spread the word.  Cheers!


Why Whole Bean is king… and how to utilize those beans.